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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?

"Puester" > wrote in message
> My parents owned a grocery store from ~1947-1965 and they delivered every
> day w/o any complaints.
> (Well, my dad DID complain when not-so-regular customers would call during
> a blizzard and ask for
> delivery of just a pack of cigarettes or chewing gum, but that's another
> story.)

In bad weather only regular customers got their orders. Others were told
"sorry, can't do it today."

One customer only called when she had no money. Small order of essentials
and she would pay by check. The check would bounce and a week later I'd go
get the cash. This happened abut once a month. I'm guessing the butcher
had his thumb on the scale to cover the extra expense.