Thread: Kitchen Hood?
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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Kitchen Hood?

Michael L Kankiewicz wrote:
> Hi all, I haven't been here in a looooong time, so I hope it hasn't
> changed too much. We're putting on a new roof, so I figure it's
> finally time to get a real exhaust hood. (Currently we have one of those
> useless hoods that filters the air and blows it back out front.)
> We're not extreme cooks, so I was looking at middle of the line things,
> but I was surprised at how expensive they are. Then I came across this
> one on ebay, item number 260380922430. A whopping 870cfm. Anyone have
> any knowledge of, or experience with this company?
> Thanks much,
> MK

I recently replaced my vent hood, but since my budget was very limited,
the replacement was nearly identical to the previous model that was
already there, a typical Broan 30p" unit. I think it cost about $80+tax
(on sale & coupon IIRC).

When I "researched" which vent hood to buy as a replacement, one
particular "specification" I learned to make note of was/is the "SONE"
rating, i.e., how loud is that vent when it's on full blast! I wanted
the 'most quiet' unit I could get for my bucks. I looked for the vent
hood that had the best CFM:SONE ratings. Just something you may want to
consider when you shop.

Sky, who hates to remodel/redecorate anything, especially on a limited
budget! ;D

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