Foods you have never purchased in the supermarket
John Kane wrote:
> On Apr 6, 5:51 pm, Wayne Boatwright >
> wrote:
>> On Mon 06 Apr 2009 02:14:43p, Jean B. told us...
>>> maxine wrote:
>>>> crustless peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
>>>> hot meal takehomes lobster
>>>> puppy pads
>>>> maxine in ri
>>> You have reminded me... What ever became of those peanut butter
>>> slices that you could just put on the bread, thus not needing to
>>> spread anything?
>> UGH! Never saw them. Hope I never do. :-)
> Let's hope she's joking!
> John Kane Kingston ON Canada
Unfortunately, no. This was within the least few years....
Jean B.