Puester said...
>> (DONNA BECKER-STONE) news:3228-49DAAF33-6627
>> @baytvnwsxa002.msntv.msn.com: in rec.food.cooking
>>> Help please?
>>> We cooked what looked to be a beautiful "Flat Cut Corned Beef" (3#)
>>> It is terribly dried out & not cutable or chewable. Almost broke my
>>> teeth.
>>> Is there any way to salvage or remoisten this disaster? My husband
>>> threw the broth out. TIA .......
>>> DMBS
> Chop it up small with some cooked potatoes and diced onion
> and make hash.
> gloria p
BINGO!!! Even food process it to shreds, then sauce it up how you like in a
cast iron pan.
Gosh the last corned beef was at the Stage Deli in New York City. It was
pretty dry/tough no matter how much Russian dressing I applied.
I ate it all. It was a day trip and I didn't want to carry a doggy bag
So what if it slowed me down to 3 blocks an hour!??