Gettin' out o' Dodge
> Within a month, mas o menos, I hope ta be goin' ta Thailand, ta see me DW!
> I anticipate bein' there, without a computer, fer 3 months of R&R. When I
> talked to her yesterday, she had just returned to our 'Ranch' outside of
> Wichian Buri, from Petchabun, about 70 miles away. She'd gone up to get
> some wild mushrooms that are only available briefly, slightly black on top,
> yellow on the bottom, sweet and very yummy. The area is also
> world-reknowned for it's BBQ'd chicken and the best girl in my life. Time's
> a'wastin'!
> We twa hae run about the braes
> And pu't the gowans fine
> But we've wandered mony a weary foot
> Sin auld lang syne
Have a great trip, and say hello to your honey from all of us here in afb and
also abf.
(Hope she forgives you for selling "HER" restuarant.)