On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 18:33:25 -0400, "Kswck" >
>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> She wanted
>> instant potatoes! Lady, I'm getting really tired of your demands. You
>> want instant potatoes, buy some and knock yourself out. You have free run
>> of the kitchen, make a buttload of instant potatoes. We wound up broiling
>> steaks - hers had to be well done - and I boiled new potatoes. But I
>> didn't dare put anything like parsley or dill weed on them.
>> Thank Bast they're on their way now to TX now. They'll be dropping off
>> furniture in TN at my other brothers house on the way. Now I can cook
>> whatever I want to without a fear of someone freaking out about green
>> specks on their food
You'd think she was 3 rather than 63.
>> Jill
>Time she gets dumped. TIAD.
Jill's brother isn't exactly the Catch of the Day. I think they
probably compliment each other, except his GF has traits better suited
to discuss on rfc.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.