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Mark L.
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Default Gettin' out o' Dodge

I spent 6 months in Bangkok and got around the country a lot. Met my
wife (to-be at the time) in BKK. Her nanny is from See Sacket and we
were there a couple months ago. Great country, except the food isn't my
favorite. Thai people aren't big on beef, and they love their fish and
seafood. To each his own. My wife has been in the States for over 2
years now and misses home once in a while.

Enjoy the R&R! Mark L.


> Within a month, mas o menos, I hope ta be goin' ta Thailand, ta see me DW!
> I anticipate bein' there, without a computer, fer 3 months of R&R. When I
> talked to her yesterday, she had just returned to our 'Ranch' outside of
> Wichian Buri, from Petchabun, about 70 miles away. She'd gone up to get
> some wild mushrooms that are only available briefly, slightly black on top,
> yellow on the bottom, sweet and very yummy. The area is also
> world-reknowned for it's BBQ'd chicken and the best girl in my life. Time's
> a'wastin'!
> We twa hae run about the braes
> And pu't the gowans fine
> But we've wandered mony a weary foot
> Sin auld lang syne