I've done some searches on AllAboutBeer.com and BeerMapping.com,
and it sort of looks pretty straightforward to me, but I thought
I'd ask here anyway -- any recommendations?
We're starting in Vancouver, but only there briefly; I'm thinking
I can hit Yaletown Brewing, Dix BBQ & Brewery and Steamworks in
the day we're there...
It's a cruise we're on, and we have stops in Ketchikan (is
there anything worth seeking out here?), Haines (I'll hit Haines
Brewing and the Skagway brewpub), Juneau (gonna be at Alaskan
Brewing) and Sitka (anything here either?).
Once in Anchorage, there seem to be a few choices -- but any
bars or stores not to miss in the other towns?
//*================================================= ===============++
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729
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