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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Burger pix (was: Cooking chicken on BBQ using a rotisserie)

Bobo Bonobo® wrote:

> I eat very well for a person of modest means. I live in a tiny
> house. I drive an 8 YO subcompact. We all prioritize. When I DO buy
> charcoal, however, it's the pricier lump. Here's some grilling pix
> from last night:

Looks good to me.

Just out of curiosity how much do you pay (approx.) for a bag of lump
charcoal where you live? (I see your bag contained 4kg's worth).

We pay approx. US$2.50 for 5kg bags (11lbs) - although a lot of places
sell the 4kg bags for almost the same price - so we shop around.
Chatty Cathy
"Sorry Dear, dinner is late, had to reboot the stove." -mrr