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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Burger pix (was: Cooking chicken on BBQ using a rotisserie)

"Bobo Bonobo®" wrote:
me > wrote:
> Bobo BonoBRAINO® wrote:
> > Usually though, it's plain ol' hickory for economic reasons. The hickory
> > is free.

> No surprise there cheapskate.

I eat very well for a person of modest means. I live in a tiny
house. I drive an 8 YO subcompact. We all prioritize. When I DO buy
charcoal, however, it's the pricier lump. Here's some grilling pix
from last night:

Oh, and thank you for calling attention to my frugality.

Nothing wrong with frugal, means not wasteful.

Did you grind that meat or is it mystery meat... I ask because to me it
doesn't make sense to do all that fancy schmancy grilling for mystery
meat... I mean like why burn up charcoal that's worth more than the burgers?

Where did you get those hickory logs... your landscape doesn't look like
hickory country. I have many mature hickory trees, shagbark too... but I
wouldn't even think of felling them.