when times are hard
George wrote:
> Mike™ wrote:
> > On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 03:54:01 GMT, "CC"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> With there having been several posts and threads about
> >> frugal meals and cooking in hard times
> >
> > but do remember only go this way if times are personally hard, the
> > recession is partly caused by people in jobs stopping spending.
> Yes, one of the biggest problems right now is the unnecessary erosion of
> confidence by the left leaning media who endlessly proclaim "it's
> terrible, don't go outside". This is not to diminish anyones personal
> situation but not everyone was thrown under the bus or is in danger of
> that happening.
Leftists HATE America, George...
Every time something bad happens the leftist media cackles with glee, like
mean old Mr. Potter did in _It's A Wonderful Life_ when he was about to
foreclose on some poor innocent sap...
If you listen to them you'd think everyone was in a soup line and living in
a tent city, but it simply ain't so. Frex this morning one report said that
almost half of the peeps that have lost their jobs in the last few months
have found new ones...there are a number of other positive indicators, too.
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher