when times are hard
blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 07:47:37 -0400, George wrote:
>> Mike„˘ wrote:
>>> On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 03:54:01 GMT, "CC"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> With there having been several posts and threads about
>>>> frugal meals and cooking in hard times
>>> but do remember only go this way if times are personally hard, the
>>> recession is partly caused by people in jobs stopping spending.
>> Yes, one of the biggest problems right now is the unnecessary erosion of
>> confidence by the left leaning media who endlessly proclaim "it's
>> terrible, don't go outside". This is not to diminish anyones personal
>> situation but not everyone was thrown under the bus or is in danger of
>> that happening.
> jesus, george. the media are reporting it as the worst financial crisis
> since the depression because it *is* the worst financial crisis since the
> depression.
Answer me this. Why are extreme left wingers so reading challenged that
everything they read is perceived as an attack. I did write this: "This
is not to diminish anyones personal situation but not everyone was
thrown under the bus or is in danger of that happening."
> also, no seriously one believes the media is 'left-leaning' except right
> wingers. look at the political talk shows they are still apt to have on
> more republicans than democrats.
Not talking about intentional political programming. The usual
mainstream programs such as the today show definitely tilt to the left
and the few times I caught snippets recently it is always "the sky is
falling in for everyone in these terrible times..." And as I said this
is not to minimize anyone who has hard times. Lots of folks don't and
have no real reason to hide under the bed with their money.
I am pretty much a political moderate tending towards libertarian. I
seldom listen or watch political talk shows because the mindless intense
red kool/blue kool aid drinkers are a turn off.
> blake