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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default when times are hard

On Apr 8, 6:46*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
> > On Apr 8, 2:00*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> > > That's because only idiots listen to political talk shows.

> > What about Diane Rehm? *That's not aimed at idiots. *Neither is the
> > Political Junkie on TotN. *It's *commercial* talk radio that's aimed
> > at idiots.
> > > :-)

> It was supposed to be a joke, even though it wasn't very funny.

Listening to obnoxious idealogues, even Progressives who I'd agree
with, is idiotic.

I think that Franken will be a good Senator, but listen to his show?
No way. I want to hear calm, polite discourse. I want there to be
someone there from Heritage, Club for Growth, and Cato, balanced by
Brookings, The Nation or Mother Jones magazines, etc. That's what
they do on Diane Rehm. David Corn and David Brooks *politely*
disagreeing about things they really disagree on, and sometimes
agreeing on things that many Conservatives and many Liberals do agree
on. They go into detail, and presume that their audience is bright
enough to detect outright deception. NPR/PRI/BBC is so much more
civilized than any commercial media, and while NPR's audience does
skew a bit Liberal, it's not extreme, and the nation's GOP leaders and
spokespersons get equal time, and are treated with equal respect.

Hey, a related topic, how 'bout that Eric Holder, dismissing all
charges against Ted Stevens because of prosecutorial misconduct? Is
that something that Gregory and Blake can agree was a good thing?
There are some Justice Dept. lawyers who might find themselves in deep
doodoo. Prosecutors are supposed to seek justice, not convictions. I
hope this is the first of thousands of exonerations or retrials in
cases where prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence. I'd like to
see egregious prosecutorial misconduct at any level be made a Federal
crime. By that I mean real, beyond a reasonable doubt, willful
misconduct, rather than mere sloppiness. Sloppiness in serious
felonies, especially capital cases should result in disbarment, but
real misconduct in a capital case should carry a life sentence. Not
life w/o parole, mind you, but a prosecutor who doesn't give a
defendant who could be executed a fair chance to prove his/her
innocence should be treated like an attempted murderer.
> --
> Dan Abel
