Gettin' out o' Dodge
> wrote in message
> Within a month, mas o menos, I hope ta be goin' ta Thailand, ta see me DW!
> I anticipate bein' there, without a computer, fer 3 months of R&R. When I
> talked to her yesterday, she had just returned to our 'Ranch' outside of
> Wichian Buri, from Petchabun, about 70 miles away. She'd gone up to get
> some wild mushrooms that are only available briefly, slightly black on
> top,
> yellow on the bottom, sweet and very yummy. The area is also
> world-reknowned for it's BBQ'd chicken and the best girl in my life.
> Time's
> a'wastin'!
> We twa hae run about the braes
> And pu't the gowans fine
> But we've wandered mony a weary foot
> Sin auld lang syne
Hey Nickester
I am going to miss you. I am so tried after staying up all Friday and
Saturday until food was taken care that I slept until late afternoon on
Sunday and fell asleep again this afternoon during the Indy 500 and was
bummed that I slept thru it. Was hurting so bad this afternoon that was
upset that the nice ladies that cleaned up our house and did laundry for
nothing didn't fold my underwear the way I like. What hell was I thinking?
Free laundry that was folded no reason ever to get upset. I am glad that I
was smart enough to keep my fool mouth shut.
Well I rattle on. Have a great trip. Eats lots of those fruits that they say
will ruin the US if they get in.