On Apr 8, 3:15*pm, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> I just bought a small lamb roast $22 at $7/lb. *<cough> *So you can
> see it's just a little over three pounds. *It looks wonderful *I don't
> know what they cut from it to make it this size but I feel fortunate to
> have it * it has only the shank bone going through the middle of it.
> I have never in my borned days cooked (from raw) lamb. *(A couple months
> ago I heated some already-roasted lamb from TJ. *That's as close to
> cooking it as I've ever come.) * I had some samples of leg of lamb at my
> food co-op last week and it was seriously delicious. *
> Does a hot start and a slow finish apply to a lamb roast? *I'd love to
> see the outside of it nice and brown, but at 3#, will it have enough
> time in a slow oven to brown if I don't start it hot?
> My plan is to KISS rosemary is my herb of choice for sprinkling on top
> of it. *Do I want to slather on some olive oil first?
> BTW, I don't think I'll be cooking this for a while maybe not until
> next week, in fact. *I have to consult with my hostess about this she
> may not be interested in lamb for Easter dinner.
> ---
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ good news 4-6-2009
> "What you say about someone else says more
> about you than it does about the other person."
Julia Child's Leg of Lamb is good. This is close but not exact:
Stab the lamb with a paring knife and stuff the little holes with
slivers of fresh garlic. Mix a little EVOO and some good Dijon
mustard and some chopped fresh rosemary and slather it all over the
lamb. Roast at whatever (I cant remember the temp or time) and remove
it from the oven when it's still at least medium rare. Leave it in
the pan so it stays warm and let it rest at least 15 to 20 minutes
before you carve it (it keeps cooking out of the oven!). The outside
edges of the slices are wonderful! Ignore my post in the other thread
about lamb. It was undoubtedly written by my evil twin.
Lynn in Fargo