On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 21:24:09 -0700, sf > shouted from
the highest rooftop:
>On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 14:33:47 +1200, bob >
>>World famous in our house, but not to be found in New Zealand
>Just curious. Assuming you mean you live in NZ. So, what's your
>story? Are you a transplanted American, were you educated here, lot's
>of business state side.... how did you come to like burritos enough to
>want to make them at home?
American by birth. Kiwi by choice. Burrito lover by nature.
Grew up in SoCal and quickly developed a taste for Mexican food -
amongst others. Travelled extensively throughout Mexico, Central &
South America and lived in Costa Rica before packing the surfboard and
heading towards Australia via New Zealand (to visit some old Malibu
Once I got here I cashed in the Oz part of my ticket and have lived
here ever since.
TPIAW my heart is in NZ, but my stomach remains firmly (well ...
almost) in Latin America, Asia, Hawaii and Italy. I make a mean
burrito and my guacamole and homemade salsa are world famous within a
small radius.
una cerveza mas por favor ...
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Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <http://www.surfwriter.net>
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