What makes Italian food so unique and compelling ?
blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 09:40:59 +0200, Giusi wrote:
> > "Gregory Morrow" ha scritto nel messaggio
> >
> > That's because guinea WOP households are very primitive places, not
> > do> many dwellings not only lack basic refrigeration, but also cooking
> > and
> >> plumbing and thus modern appliances and so the facilities for food>
> >> preparation are very limited...
> >>
> >> Refrigerators and air conditioning are considered still by many in
> >> to> be "works of the devil", the cool air they produce is considered to
> >> "bad> for health"...
> >>
> >> Not only do they lack modern refrigeration and A/C over there but
> >> Italians> do not believe in the use of window screens, that is why
> >> and polio
> >> and other vermin - borne and filth - borne diseases are so practically
> >> rife> there...
> >>
> >> Italy really is still Third World, just look at a place like Venice,
> >> MOUNDS> of rubbish in the streets...and the canale of Venezia are open
> >> sewers, they
> >> dump the contents of their chamberpots right off of their balconies
> >> morning...
> >
> > I never realized that you were so old that you would have visited Italy
> > the 19th century.
> of course he's old. it takes a long time to become that stupid.
I know you are just trolling, blake, so I won't take your comment
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