Grill kaput, 35 guests next Friday, Need grill under $300 - HELP!
On Fri, 28 May 2004 17:19:13 GMT, "Tyler Hopper" >
Weber grills have had a face lift. Home depot is closing out last
years models for cost. The Class B 36000 B.T.U is going for $ 210.00
while they last, regular price is $449.00. Pound for pound the Weber
is the best bang for you buck.
>"webfoot" > wrote in message
. com...
>> We are just finishing a new 600 foot cedar deck in our back yard and
>> thought we would be all set for a large gathering on Memorial Day
>> weekend. Then yesterday my lady backed her truck into my prized old
>> Weber (charcoal). It's beyond repair. We had been thinking about gas
>> anyway, but after the deck we only have $250 - $300 left in the piggy
>> bank. We looked at Home Depot, Sears, Target and Bi-Mart (like Sam's
>> but in the Northwest). The Charbroils all seem flimsy. And I must
>> say the Weber Genesis B seems kind of lightweight too. The 3 grills
>> that seem the sturdiest are a Thermos Stainless (at Target for $249.
>> A similar Kemore ( #16221) at Sears for $249. And a very stout
>> Nexgrill (model 720-0082-S-LP at Bi-Mart for $279. All three seem
>> MUCH more solid than the low end Webers we saw at Sears, and the
>> Nexgrill and Kenmore have cast iron grates which the $389 Weber does
>> not. I'm drawn to the Nexgrill has cast iron grates and burners,
>> stainless drip catchers and appears to be very well made. My spouse
>> likes that it has enclosed storage on the bottom. I've seen Nexgrill
>> bad-mouthed abit on the various forums and not much info at all about
>> the Kenmore or the Thermos stainless at Target. We have never done
>> gas so we sure would appreciate any input on the three grills
>> mentioned above.
>The 06/04 Consumer Reports review of gas grills says this about their "Best
>Buys" listed in order of highest to lowest overall ratings:
>Average Size Grills -
>Vermont Castings CF9030 LP - $400
>Thermos stainless 461246804 - $400
>Coleman 5100 Series 9990-132 - $270
>Fiesta Optima ESD45055 - $200