In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> Barb wrote:
> > Would my well known disdain for that which is beety put me into one of
> > the two categories?
> Kimberly's main issue seems to be how the food is arranged on the plate.
> Your son-in-law's issues are with the food itself.
> Your hatred of beets makes you a teutlophobe, but your other qualities
> presumably make you acceptable in polite company. :-)
> Bob
I can't find "teutlophobe" in a dictionary and I think you made it up
and you can just stop that right now, okay? Beta vulgaris seems like an
apt description (see Wiki on beets).
I clean up nice and I show well and my friends think I'm more fun to be
with than a bucket of puppies. My older siblings are jealous of me
because I'm cuter than they are and Mom always liked me best.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - good news 4-6-2009
"What you say about someone else says more
about you than it does about the other person."