sf wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 09:44:25 -0500, Sky >
> wrote:
> >SF, why isn't your mugshot included in the webpage?
> >
> Let's put it this way, sky. It will be a cold day in H... rfc when my
> picture goes up there. How many regulars from here and chat have
> mugshots up that make them all but unrecognizable in real life (old
> photo, hidden face, etc)? Take yours for instance...
> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/mug/shot/Sky.jpg Why bother?
> >It'd be really nice
> >to have yours there, too, don't you think? Otherwise, why complain
> >about whose photo is there or not?
> This isn't Facebook. Why do long gone posters, semi-occasional
> posters and lurkers need their pictures plastered on the mugshot page
> for eternity?
The RFC newsgroup and RFC chat are as 'social' as Facebook and MySpace.
Whoever chooses or chooses not to include their 'mugshot' on the RFC
website is up to any individual. My mugshot is not dissimilar to others
already included, but I won't draw particular notice to those as you
have with mine. Everyone has the option to ask (or not ask) the "RFC
Webmaster" to include their mugshot if they so choose. You've opted not
to include your mugshot. I respect your choice and your opinions.
Cathy works hard and does a wonderful job with the RFC websites and
surveys. Asking Cathy to keep track of who recently posts or doesn't
post to RFC just to maintain and update the mugshots webpage is rather
presumptious to meet someone's sense of whose mugshots should or
shouldn't be included. Besides, there are some folks who don't or
rarely do post on RFC, but they often participate in RFC chat on IRC and
have chosen to include their mugshots. How is it possible to tell the
difference there? Just because someone doesn't post to RFC doesn't mean
their mugshot should be deleted. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to
it ;P
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice