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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Who Still Raises Chickens...???

Kathleen wrote:
> Well, my cousin who lives out near Six Flags, has fancy chickens, but I
> think she considers them pets. I mean, she names them. She has a
> parrot and a cockatoo, too. She takes the eggs, eats some of them,
> gives others away, but I can't imagine her ever eating one of the birds.
> IIRC, the last time one of them died, they had a funeral for it.

A few days ago I had the thought that the logical
extension of free-range and cruelty-free chickens
would be chickens who were given a fair trial and
executed. We only eat the guilty ones, the ones
that deserved it. These chickens would be like other
up-market chickens, but you'd also be able to go to
the web site and read the transcript of their trial.

"You are charged with conspiracy to perform crimes
against humanity. How do you plead?"


"You honor, my client pleads guilty.

"CLUCK! Cluck cluck cluck!"

"Very well. I sentence you to death, execution
to occur not later than noon tomorrow."