Omelet wrote:
> Another thread prompted this question...
> How do you most often serve potatoes?
Most often? Baked with mashed coming in a close second.
Potatoes are one of my favorite foods, i do a version of potatoes anna
called potatoes voison, i love many of the stuffed baked potatoes and
have made 'barrel' potatoes as a way of showing off at parties i have
I got lots of potato recipes.
> Lately, I cut them up and cook and serve them with whatever else I'm
> cooking, or braise small ones whole. Spuds are easy and go well that
> way.
> Alternately, I'll nuke them and serve them steamed, or pressure cook
> them and serve them mashed.
That's about the only reason i have for using the pressure cooker, small
reds, under pressure for a few minutes and then lightly salt & serve.
> I don't do a lot of baking so rarely serve them truly baked. (Been
> without a stove now for about 3 years so cook everything on hot plates,
> electric grill, microwave, or BBQ.)
> IMHO, coal BBQ baked are tastiest. <g>
Stuck in the embers of a wood fire or in a fire pit dug in the sand on
the beach with sea food, potatoes & unschucked corn on the cob and
seaweed to steam it all with.
Course i also like those "boiled dinners" ala "New England" or European.
I once saw a Japanese cooking show that was about the making of the
worlds largest omelet. Hugh thing it was in a pan specially constructed
for the attempt but the point i want to make here was that it was made
with potatoes.
I have made it often (albeit in a smaller version

and its just a
matter of making a small dice of peeled, precooked potatoes (something
routinely to be found chez soi

, sautŽ them in butter and garlic &
onions and then proceed to make the omelet.
I have found that the potatoes IN the omelet are better tasting than
when served on the side with the omelet. Something about the potatoes &
eggs cooking together that renders them both better than if cooked and
served individually.