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sueb sueb is offline
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Default Fussy Easter or Picky Eater? (long)

On Apr 8, 11:06*am, Nancy2 > wrote:
> > I would say the fussy eater is the one who doesn't like stuff to
> > touch on their plate. *The picky eater doesn't like specific foods.
> > So you are more fussy than me, from your description, but probably
> > about as picky, just not about the exact same things. >
> > Bill Ranck
> > Blacksburg, Va.

> Good, we agree on terminology. *I really think there is a distinction
> to be made, regardless if it's a negative thing or not.
> N.

I disagree. I think a picky eater is someone who dislikes particular
foods, or food relationships (textures, eg.) to the point where they
avoid eating them or refuse to eat them. A fussy eater is someone who
expects others to honor their own food preferences and dislikes,
rather than attempting to just eat what they can.

My examples: my brother's best friend who only ate nine things. He'd
cheerfully go without eating if none of the nine were available.
That's a picky eater. My niece who decided to be a vegetarian but
insisted that people provide her with cheese pizza because she didn't
really like vegetables - fussy eater.

Susan B.