brooklyn1 wrote:
> A few times in my life I've made my own mayo just to see what folks are
> raving about. it's a lot of nothing. Why go to the trouble to make
> something that folks only use a small amount at a time and doesn't store
> more than a day or two.
> I don't use much mayo, less than 2 qts/yr... mostly a light schmear on a
> sammiche, a couple Tbls in a can of tuna, the occasional egg salad, and
> that's about it. I've never eaten mayo on it's own by the spoonful, it's
> always married to something else, so what purpose does specially flavored
> mayo serve?!?!? And I can always blend stuff with store bought, but again I
> don't see any purpose (if I want mustard flavor most every sammiche I ever
> made has two slices of bread to schmear). To me making mayo ain't worth the
> clean up just to say ya made it yerself... I've yet to taste any home made
> mayo that was better than store bought, and the texture of home made is off
> putting, and I don't want any surprise colored mayo... reminds me of 40
> years ago when I used to change baby diapers... hey lookit the lurid green
> mayo, Gerber's spinach last night, yum! I bet some are smellin' it, deje
> vous! lol Hellman's works for me.
That the stuff in the jar does tastes better - probably cause of the
high amount of salt used. Mostly I'd make it cause we'd hardly ever have
mayo on hand and I was too lazy to get off my fat butt and go to the
Safeway. Most of the time we didn't have mayo. Nowdays, it seems that I
have to keep buying the stuff. It seems our consumption of mayo has
boomed. My wife keeps busting my chops cause I've been buying house
brands and light mayo. Looks like I'll have to buy that expensive Best
Foods/Hellman's brand.