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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Who Still Raises Chickens...???

Puester wrote:
> Merryb wrote:
>> Interesting question- my sis has 8-10 of them, and we occasionally get
>> eggs from her. She has a couple of geese that have moved in, so the
>> other day she gave me a couple of goose eggs- they're huge! My 11 year
>> old & I are thinking about getting a few- I think it would be fun,
>> plus a great learning experience for him. But we would not eat them-
>> they'd be strictly for eggs..

> Have you and your 11 yr. old gotten up close and personal with geese?
> They can be very aggressive and mean, and they'll attack anyone.
> gloria p

And both sexes are mean, its not just the ganders. Some chickens are
mean too, my Mom had some Rhode Island Reds when I was a kid and the
roosters would attack anyone or anything.

DW and I kept chickens for a long time in our youth, both for eggs and
meat. We had Buff Orphington's and Light Polish, both big chicken
breeds, our Banty Rooster could whip any of the bigger roosters.