New Warning Label
On Apr 8, 10:35*am, George > wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
> > Yet another new warning label on food. *Spotted on a bag of Planters
> > Peanuts: "Do not give any nuts to children under 6 years old: *Choking
> > hazard".
> > Pretty soon they won't have room for the nutritional information on food
> > packaging. *I suspect the next label will say something like, "Do not
> > eat more than the recommended serving size due to risk of obesity".
> > I propose a new, catch-all warning label: *"Eating food may be hazardous
> > to your health.", and just be done with it.
> > -sw
> The blame rests squarely on the john edwards wannabes. Unfortunately the
> majority of lawyers only got into that profession as a means to move
> other people's wealth to themselves however they have to do it.
What great contribution did you make to the world to deserve your