Thread: Cooking spuds?
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Cooking spuds?

In article >, Tracy >

> Omelet wrote:
> > Another thread prompted this question...
> >
> > How do you most often serve potatoes?
> >
> > Lately, I cut them up and cook and serve them with whatever else I'm
> > cooking, or braise small ones whole. Spuds are easy and go well that
> > way.
> >
> > Alternately, I'll nuke them and serve them steamed, or pressure cook
> > them and serve them mashed.
> >
> > I don't do a lot of baking so rarely serve them truly baked. (Been
> > without a stove now for about 3 years so cook everything on hot plates,
> > electric grill, microwave, or BBQ.)
> >
> > IMHO, coal BBQ baked are tastiest. <g>

> We usually do mashed or roasted. I heart baked potatoes but we very
> rarely have them and I don't know why really. We don't really do
> potatoes much either - maybe once or twice a month.
> I have had a hankering for homemade frie lately. The DS is home from
> college this weekend so we might do tempura and fries..hmm...sounds like
> a plan.
> Tracy

Mom used to make a wonderful baked "fry".
She'd slice the spuds into fries, lightly coat them with oil and lay
them out on a cookie sheet, then sprinkle with seasoning salt prior to

They were WONDerful and a big rave back when I was in college and had
friends over for hours at a time to play Dungeons and Dragons. ;-)
Peace! Om

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It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.