Thread: Baa-a-a-a!!
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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default Baa-a-a-a!!

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> I just bought a small lamb roast ‹ $22 at $7/lb. <cough> So you can
> see it's just a little over three pounds. It looks wonderful ‹ I don't
> know what they cut from it to make it this size but I feel fortunate to
> have it * it has only the shank bone going through the middle of it.

Oh, man. Are you ever in for a treat.

> I have never in my borned days cooked (from raw) lamb. (A couple months
> ago I heated some already-roasted lamb from TJ. That's as close to
> cooking it as I've ever come.) I had some samples of leg of lamb at my
> food co-op last week and it was seriously delicious.
> Does a hot start and a slow finish apply to a lamb roast? I'd love to
> see the outside of it nice and brown, but at 3#, will it have enough
> time in a slow oven to brown if I don't start it hot?

Hot start and slow finish'll do just fine. Otherwise just do it at
325-350F for about 40 minutes per pound. (I like my lamb medium. Your
lamb may vary.)

> My plan is to KISS * rosemary is my herb of choice for sprinkling on top
> of it. Do I want to slather on some olive oil first?

I don't usually bother. Rosemary's a good choice. Don't forget to
roast a head of garlic with it!

> BTW, I don't think I'll be cooking this for a while ‹ maybe not until
> next week, in fact. I have to consult with my hostess about this * she
> may not be interested in lamb for Easter dinner.

I bought a nice hogget (year-old lamb) forequarter (shoulder) to roast
for tomorrow. Will do potatoes, carrots and butternut squash in with
the meat, and do peas and gravy to go with it. OH man.


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