On Apr 9, 12:10*pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> Giusi > wrote:
> >"Steve Pope" *ha scritto nel messaggio
> >> It sounds like a leg, in which case it is often braised.
> >> If it's a shoulder instead, then roasting is preferred.
> >> But you could roast a leg too.
> >> Steve
> >I think the opposite! *The shoulder is so hard to carve that it often is
> >better braised so it comes away from the bone easier. *The leg is my
> >favorite roast in all the world.
> I agree about lamb shoulder being hard to carve. *The lamb
> shoulder cuts I have gotten are random-shaped with bones
> in random locations, and no obvious way to slice them up.
> You either hafta be willing to go at them animal-style, or
> to waste some meat.
When I saw that you were advocating going at a lamb "animal style,"
it made me think of lonely shepherds.
I've also hears that the newborn lambs give...no. I'm not going to
finish that sentence.
Here in Missouri:
> Steve