Food fight! (was:picky eater v. ill-mannered hostess)
Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> TFM® >
> . com: in
>> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> But then I'm a person
>>> that has been banned from the Clayton, MO Ritz Carlton for life, for
>>> smashing one of those cream pie creations in an attorney's face at
>>> Sunday brunch.
>> Heh, it's difficult to think that you're more of a redneck than I am.
>> LOL
> I was *****ED* at my former friend. The whole situation was a
> travesty.
And there I was, thinking that this sorta thing only happens between
(younger) siblings at home - and in the movies <g>
Anybody else ever had a 'food fight' (as an adult) in public?
Chatty Cathy
"Sorry Dear, dinner is late, had to reboot the stove." -mrr