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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Cook's Spiral Sliced Ham - rip off -yea/nay?

brooklyn1 said...

> Yesterday I bought a Cook's Spiral Sliced Ham. It cost $1.79/lb,
> weighed 10.02 lbs... cost $17.94. It's in the oven now, according to
> directions 275ºF for 2 1/2 hours.
> Okay, here's my thoughts... this ham has included in its outer wrapping
> (a mesh netting) a package of glaze, consists of mostly water, sugar, a
> bit of oil, and like 10 things only a chemist can explain... essentially
> it's sugar syrup (mostly water), and says to keep refrigerated (doesn't
> indicate how long for safe use). In the past Cook's ham glaze consisted
> of a packet of ordinary brown granulated sugar with some dehy maple
> granuales and some anticaking stuff (weighs like 3 ozs - have a packet I
> just weighed). This packet of glaze weighs 1/2 pound (I weighed it
> because it's not marked), which means since it was weighed with the ham
> for pricing this glaze cost me 90¢, same price as a half pound of ham.
> Now I realize it's no fortune but millions of Cook's hams are sold so
> those 90¢s add up quickly to a lotta ham gelt. I don't use the glaze on
> ham, never did, but at least with the granulated type that needed no
> refrigeration I could save it and use it for other purposes, typically
> in my case glazed Spam, but I've used it for baked goods too, makes nice
> topping for quick breads, sticky buns, even pineapple upsided down cake,
> has as many uses as ordinary brown sugar. Anyway after putting the ham
> in the oven and putting the package of glaze in the fridge I got to
> thinking, I have no use for that glaze in the immediate future and since
> it appears it has a rather short shelf life, I'm thinking that Cook's
> ripped me off for 90¢... costs 4 times more than Aunt Jemima syrup -
> just checked my 24 oz bottle - and AJ is essentially a pure sugar
> product, I'll probably just toss that chemicals laden packet.
> Multiplied by just one million hams comes to $900,000 (I'm sure they
> sell many millions more). And of course the retailer shares in this
> bohamza. The consumer is always the one to get shafted, and in this
> economy it's the royal shaft (Cook's must be hurtin'). I feel this is a
> slick/smarmy way to cheat the public, they should sell their liquid
> glaze seperately, or at least return to the granulated, even that should
> not be sold at ham prices, I'm sure if you asked Cook's they'll say they
> allocated for the of glaze by selling hams for a few cent's less a
> pound, which of course we all know is BS. I don't mind paying for
> stuff, what I resent is how they think they're pulling the wool (in this
> case plastic net) over my eyes. How say yoose?
> I don't like that plastic netting either, it pollutes, but much more
> important it creates a life threatening danger to critters... I always
> cut it into small bits, I do that with all plastic wrap.

You really need to practice breaking up your run-on paragraphs. It would
probably make your posts more interesting to read.

Eat first, talk later.