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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default when times are hard

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 19:55:41 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> > blake wrote:
>> >
>> >> given the fact that the mainstream media kissed george bush's
>> >> ass for eight years
>> >
>> > I don't think I'll take that as a given, unless by the term "mainstream
>> > media" you mean Fox News and ONLY Fox News. Most news programs I
>> > watched
>> > during the Bush administration rightly portrayed Bush as a lazy and

> greedy
>> > dunce, horribly unqualified for the job to which he'd been elected, and
>> > whose efforts were mainly directed toward enriching his cronies.
>> >
>> > I *was* both surprised and impressed at how eco-friendly the Crawford

> ranch
>> > was, especially by comparison with Al Gore's conspicuously-consuming

> mansion
>> > in Tennessee.
>> >
>> > Bob

>> really? i don't watch fox news, but the *washington post* and *new york
>> times*, allegedly 'liberal' outposts, backed the invasion of iraq 110%,

> and
>> generally treated bush with respect.
>> i would like to some cites from the mainstream media (except for a few
>> columnists, who were vastly outnumbered by the likes of charles

> krauthammer
>> and bill kristol) saying those things, at least for the first six years
>> of
>> the administration.
>> instead, those who opposed the war and the eavesdropping were derided as
>> kooks.

> Which as it turns out they *were*, blake...
> We WON the war in Iraq, and the result is that there is now a
> parliamentary
> democracy in Iraq, the very first such parliamentary democracy in the
> Islamic Middle East...
> It's a long, slow, and sometimes bloody process, but anything worthwhile
> is
> never easy...
> As for the "eavesdropping" issue, who cares? It was simply a measure to
> help us to increase our security...did it affect you *personally*...???
> blake, I look favorably upon you in general, but politics-wise you strike
> me
> as one of those leftist "moonbats" are welcome to your opinions, but
> they are just that - *opinions*. You are naive in the extreme when it
> comes
> to matters political, you are a liberal, and liberalism is simply an
> advanced form of emotional's a simplistic way of looking
> at
> complicated issues and problems. I know you are smarter than that, so
> with the leftist "party line" jazz and start usin' yer noggin...the whole
> world is not some right-wing conspiracy *against* you! You know better
> than
> to engage in "victim politics"...there is nothing more degrading in life
> than positing yourself as a "victim"'s a CRUMMY way to live.

I detest verbosity (sound and fury signifying nothing) so let's pare to the
basic bone... liberalism is a euphemism for slothful. The Mick Blake is
intelligent, I'll grant he has a higher IQ than Duh'Weenie and Twilly
combined, but he's totally devoid of intellect and he has no common sense
whatsoever... without a doubt the most bitter, pitiful individal ever to
come through the rfc portal so you can't take anything he says seriously...
his world is all about him and excludes all others... it would literally
frighten him to death to consider another's opinion on anything, and that's
because he goes through life wearing blinders, he recognizes no one but
himself, and there lies his greatest handicap by far... everyone on the
planet carries burdons, many much weightier than his.