Why didn't I buy one sooner?
Kris wrote on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 10:11:34 -0700 (PDT):
> I bought a set of those oval ones, too. Much better for the
> spice jars, as you say.
> But I have several sets, so I never have to re-wash. Maybe I'm
> just lazy.
My own recent sensible purchase was to replace my worn out Aluminum mesh
strainers with stainless steel ones that can go in the dishwasher. A
long time ago, we picked up a chestnut knife in France and recently an
onion chopper. Having cut myself quite embarrassingly, I now have a
side-cutting can opener that rounds the cut edges.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not