I would love to have some chickens. My health i such I can't reliably take
care of them - otherwise would have a few around if for nothing other than
the entertainment factor.
Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying
"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> I know Our Very Own Chatty Cathy here raises fowl, but who else, or do
>> you know anyone who does?
> Nice to know that a few other r.f.c-ers raise chickens too. Nothing
> beats a real fresh egg (or two) with breakfast, IMHO.
> My lot can be seen on the RFC Pal's page, if you're interested:
> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/pet/
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy