On Apr 10, 10:59*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
> > On Apr 10, 7:18*pm, suzireb > wrote:
> > > I think it is not equalizing marriage, but redefining marriage. *A
> > > marriage between a black and a white is still man + woman. *Now it is
> > > "*** marriage" which I guess is the term we'll use to define a
> > > marriage that is not between a man + woman. *Anyway I am sooo glad
> > > that it's the states that decide. *These are issues that need to be
> > > addressed state level. *I love people and I especially love happy
> > > people. *I do have views, and I am thoughtful and considerate of
> > > others and have served in the military along with some in my family
> > > who have died serving. *I may not agree with you, but I have
> > > sacrificed for you to have the freedom to express your view, and hope
> > > that there are others that see the need or calling to protect your
> > > future ability as well.
> I didn't see anything in suzireb's post above that discussed religion,
> so I won't comment on the post.
I didn't either, but you can bet that it's religion that's behind it
all. Maybe she'll respond and, like Peter, deny Jesus. On Easter
weekend no less. Somehow I doubt that.
> > How come it was OK for Abraham (and a bunch of the others who were
> > God's favorites) to have multiple wives, but now it's one man, one
> > woman? *I assume you're of an Abrahamic faith, right? *Most anti-***
> > marriage folks self identify as Christian.
> > Now, I'm not a big fan of the Mormons, or other polygamous cultures,
> > but this is factually as well as I could have put it myself:
> > "We believe that the idea of multiple sexual partners is in no way
> > prohibited by the teachings of the Hebrew or Christian scriptures.
> At one point it was pretty common for Catholic priests to have more than
> one wife, as many as he could afford.
> --
> Dan Abel
> Petaluma, California USA
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