picky eater v. ill-mannered hostess
TammyM wrote:
> At the dinner, she made a big homping deal about how she so very much had
> wanted to make some kind of lamb-mustardy thing, but I was so picky about
> mustard that I spoiled her fun (OK, maybe I am overstating that just a
> tad....). I was *mortified*, close to tears in fact, because she went on
> and on and on about it. I couldn't wait for the evening to end. Which for
> me, is saying something!
> How would you have handled it? I never accepted a dinner invitation from
> her after that.
What a shame. First of all, it is a shame that your dislike of mustard
prevented you from having a chance to try what might have been a
delicious dish. I once cooked rack of lamb that had been slathered with
mustard. It was delicious, and not at all mustardy.
Secondly, what a shame that you hostess was such a bitch that she made
such an effort to embarrass you. I might have apologized for spoiling
her dinner party and then got up and left. Of course, a bitch like that
would see that for the insult it was meant to be and not ever invite me
back. That would preclude having to make excuses in the future.