In article >,
Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>Alternately, I'll nuke them and serve them steamed, or pressure cook
> >>>them and serve them mashed.
> >>
> >>That's about the only reason i have for using the pressure cooker, small
> >>reds, under pressure for a few minutes and then lightly salt & serve.
> >
> >
> > Try adding a bit of rosemary to that.
> ummmm....i think not. Not even butter or garlic, just fresh out of the
> PC (Pressure Cooker
with a bit of salt.
Ok. I agree that spuds as a general rule don't need a LOT of help, I
just find that particular combo to be pleasant. YMMV as always. <g>
> Very fresh, young, new red potatoes not peeled & just cooked, served
> with a pinch of salt. As a delightful flavor its in my top 10 list of.
> Very close to the top. Its not my single most favorite flavor only
> because i don't have any one favorite flavor, i make no favorites among
> my favorites. A fully ripe, even slightly over ripe strawberry freshly
> plucked from its bush has got to be right up there with a steamed new
> potato.
And then there are sun warmed vine ripe tomatoes right off the vine...
> >
> >
> >>>I don't do a lot of baking so rarely serve them truly baked. (Been
> >>>without a stove now for about 3 years so cook everything on hot plates,
> >>>electric grill, microwave, or BBQ.)
> >>>
> >>>IMHO, coal BBQ baked are tastiest. <g>
> >>
> >>Stuck in the embers of a wood fire or in a fire pit dug in the sand on
> >>the beach with sea food, potatoes & unschucked corn on the cob and
> >>seaweed to steam it all with.
> >
> >
> > Oh hush. ;-) That sounds lovely!
> Its been a long time but in my youth such things were almost ordinary,
> routine and to be expected.
> Im trying to remember whether the corn & potatoes were on the bottom
> next to the fire and the sea food over them? or the other way around.
> I vaguely recall the fire pit being dug in the a.m. and a fire tended in
> it for several hours before any food was put in. As i recall only when
> the sea food began to arrive were layers of food put in and covered with
> sea weed, i think veggies went in first and the sea food over them,
> then more veggies & more sea food in layers.
<snipped more cool stuff for space>
Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed reading it!
> --
> Joseph Littleshoes
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.