Cook's Spiral Sliced Ham - rip off -yea/nay?
In article
Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig > wrote:
> > I don't like that plastic netting either, it pollutes, but much more
> > important it creates a life threatening danger to critters... I always cut
> > it into small bits, I do that with all plastic wrap.
> The glaze/rub is for those folks who can't cook. They only "assemble"
> stuff according to package directions. Cooks makes wonderful hams,
> but i think people who buy spiral sliced hams that they are going to
> "bake" are silly. All that does is dry out the poor ham. Of course
> for the "assemblers" the glaze packet for spiral sliced hams needs to
> be liquid. You can glaze a ham with anything from pineapple salsa to
> Coke.
> Lynn in Fargo
> Envying your $1.79 lb buy!
They are on sale here locally for that price too, but I still won't buy
one as they DO tend to dry out. I'll get the Smithfields that are
currently on sale for $.99.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.