Fussy Easter or Picky Eater? (long)
Rhonda Anderson > wrote:
Something seems to have happened with your line-length settings. Could
you check them, please? Too-short lines are nearly as hard to read as
too-long ones.
> I think there's a difference
> between someone who never
> tries _anything_ they've never had before, and
> someone who perhaps has a
> stumbling point with one particular item.
> I don't wish to try offal other than liver
> (think I may have had some
> kidney once in something, but not sure). I
> don't know why exactly.
I do not think "offal" is anything but an arbitrary term for internal
organs and certain external ones. It does not necessarily indicate that
the "items" in question have much in common with each other or are at
all comparable taste- or texture-wise. So, any stumbling point with a
particular item should not really apply to any other one, as they really
are mostly unrelated in any culinary sense. They are sweetbreads,
kidneys, tripe, chitterlings, lights/lungs, ears, tails, trotters,
cheek, tongue, brains, heart, giblets, fries/testicles - all considered
to be offal/awful. They have very little to do with each other,
So, your "offal" generalisation for refusing to try certain things does
not really make sense culinarily - it must lie somewhere else, in
semantics perhaps. Which makes you at least a somewhat picky, but not
necessarily fussy, eater, I am afraid.