On Sat 11 Apr 2009 04:46:56p, sf told us...
> On Sat, 11 Apr 2009 12:38:53 -0700, Lin >
> wrote:
>>I've got Brussels sprouts and asparagus to use (is that too much green?)
> Not as far as I'm concerned, I just happen to be making both of those
> too. We already had some sprouts in the refrigerator and Easter lamb
> *must* be accompanied by asparagus, so I bought some today.
>>and will be making a macaroni and cheese
> I adore mac and cheese with pork!
>>instead of my traditional potato salad.
> I wouldn't turn my nose up at potato salad, but since you decided on
> M&C... there's no turning back now.
>>I must make deviled eggs, too!
> Oh, you just reminded me! Thanks.
I colored enough eggs in order to make deviled eggs tommorow and for egg
salad sandwiches for early in the week. Meantime, David made a couple of
Easter platters with the colored eggs, chocolate eggs, and jelly beans, all
nestled down in "grass". :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Rice is born in water and must die in wine. ~Italian Proverb