Not Stocking a bomb shelter ... or any shelter?
I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Stan Horwitz
> reported Elvis on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 11:05:56 -0400
in misc.survivalism:
>In article >,
> Burt Morgan > wrote:
>> With Russia spending many -billions- on rearmament and new nuclear weapons, I
>> think it's time to clean out and make good the bomb shelter so that it's
>> ready
>> for the inevitable nuclear war. I'm now restocking it with new food.
>> What would you guys suggest I stock my shelter with? Remember these goods
>> have
>> to have a real good shelf life and provide enough nutrition for a family of
>> four
>> for the duration.
>I suggest letting the bomb take your life, and mine. I honestly cannot
>imagine living out the rest of my life in a bomb shelter. No thanks. The
>alternative is much more appealing. At least this way, I might get to
>find out of my theory about heaven being fictional is right or wrong.
I'm amused by this desire to die rather than do anything which
might be considered live extending.
I mean, you can't "cannot imagine living out the rest of my life
in a bomb shelter" - does it follow that you do not fasten seatbelts?
I mean, can you imagine "living out the rest of my life" strapped into
a chair, no matter how comfy it might be.
Say, if there was a hurricane coming your way, would you evacuate,
or do think "I honestly cannot imagine living out the rest of my life
in a [storm] shelter"?
Cie l'vie. What you have demonstrated is that you seem to not
consider your way of life as worth transmitting to the next
generation, or advocating after a major disaster. I wish folks like
you would wear a "do not resituate" sign, to spare scarce resources
for those who aren't living useless lives.
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you fnally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you learn it's a Government Project building more tunnel.