In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >,
> Miche > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> >
> > > I just bought a small lamb roast ‹ $22 at $7/lb. <cough> So you can
> > > see it's just a little over three pounds. It looks wonderful ‹ I don't
> > > know what they cut from it to make it this size but I feel fortunate to
> > > have it * it has only the shank bone going through the middle of it.
> >
> > Oh, man. Are you ever in for a treat.
> Cross your fingers, Toots. My concern (albeit a small concern) is that
> the size of the roast (a titch past three pounds) * 1.4 kilos) is big
> enough to "roast properly"; i.e., it'll be in the oven long enough to
> acquire nice color. I think a brief hot start will help that, and a
> good thermometer after that.
Yeah, that should work.
> (snips)
> > Rosemary's a good choice. Don't forget to roast a head of garlic with it!
> Didn't bring one with me and around here real garlic is an unknown
> commodity. I did, however, bring four nice cloves to sliver and insert.
> > > BTW, I don't think I'll be cooking this for a while ‹ maybe not until
> > > next week, in fact. I have to consult with my hostess about this * she
> > > may not be interested in lamb for Easter dinner.
> I'm writing this from Beck's and we will have lamb for dinner tomorrow.
> She's not sure if she'll tell La Twerp what it is, though. Oy.
Oh dear. La Twerp's at That Age, huh?
> > I bought a nice hogget (year-old lamb) forequarter (shoulder) to roast
> > for tomorrow. Will do potatoes, carrots and butternut squash in with
> > the meat, and do peas and gravy to go with it. OH man.
> I'd eat anything you'd fix, Kiddo. In a heartbeat. Except for, well,
> you know.
Oh go on, M'sieur, it's waffer thin...
Electricians do it in three phases