picky eater v. ill-mannered hostess
Goomba wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Why should the hostess be given a chance to redeem herself?
> Because maybe she's clueless but it wasn't intended to be hurtful or
> malicious? Her foot was in her mouth, but she obviously was a friend
> to begin with so why not give her a chance?
We're all guilty of putting our foot in our mouths occasionally, but
this sounded like a lot more than that. It was pretty obvious to me
that she hurt Tammy's feelings rather badly - and friends shouldn't do
that sorta thing to one another, IMHO.
> And... if I were a guest forced to witness someone putting on their
> coat and leaving mid meal, it would ruin the entire evening for me
> also. I think that's a bit extreme, especially as I would hope it is a
> misunderstanding not a deliberate attempt to be hurtful.
I reckon that the evening was ruined anyway... Who wants to sit there
and listen to your hostess embarrassing another guest - whether it
was 'intentional' or not? I doubt I would have accepted another
invitation from the hostess myself if I had been one of the other
Chatty Cathy