picky eater v. ill-mannered hostess
In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> > I reckon that the evening was ruined anyway... Who wants to sit there
> > and listen to your hostess embarrassing another guest - whether it
> > was 'intentional' or not? I doubt I would have accepted another
> > invitation from the hostess myself if I had been one of the other
> > guests.
> I'm no poker player, maybe Tammy is ... but if I was "near tears"
> during the verbal beating, you wouldn't miss it. Surely some of
> the other guests noticed how upset she was even if the hostess
> didn't. Some party. And the fact that she "couldn't wait to get
> out of there" tells me she likely wasn't exactly the life of the party
> after that. If these people know her, surely there would be a pall
> because people must notice she was still upset.
> Not saying what Tammy should have done, but I would have made
> it an early evening at the very least. It's the hostess (and I use
> that term lightly) who ruined the evening, not Tammy.
> nancy
I think the hostess was being a complete bitch and I'd have walked out
of there the minute it started, without saying a word.
That kind of behavior is inexcusable and it would have ended my
friendship with her!
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.