HOT/Sour Fish
On Sat, 11 Apr 2009 13:12:22 -0700, Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> blake murphy > wrote:
>> On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 19:34:21 -0700, Dan Abel wrote:
>>> Actually, not. Have you ever poked around at I didn't think
>>> so. Might be worth wasting a few minutes of your time. The quality
>>> varies from bad to worse. They have 750 authors. It's one of those
>>> "work from home" scams. There are "editors", but sometimes it seems
>>> they know less than the authors.
>> rhonda parkinson has a blog on about chinese food. i subscribe
>> to her newsletter. she's basically pretty sound, offering both 'authentic'
>> ingredients and some substitutions.
> Thanks for the tip. Perhaps they have some good authors. Perhaps also,
> they are improving. The last year or so, when I do a Google search, and
> see, I just don't click on it. I've seen too much poorly
> written junk.
>> <>
it is true that there's fair amount of rubbish at her newsltter
has links to some pretty pedestrian stuff in other sites under the umbrella..
your pal,