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notbob notbob is offline
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Posts: 14,587
Default Have we "lost our capability of outrage?"

On 2009-04-12, modom (palindrome guy) > wrote:

> Thanks for posting that. I suppose you've seen this pictu

No, but it's a hoot. Unfortunately, there's no longer any reason to jump.
In fact, don't jump and get $$$ bonus, courtesy the moron can't-be-bothered
US taxpayer.

Used to be we were known as an industrial economy. Then, in the 80-90s, an
"information" economy. Now, apparently, a "fraud" economy. If we keep it
up, we'll be a 3rd World economy. Perhaps a "drug" economy, supplying drugs
to more properous nations. History says China is partial to opium and
god knows we can grow anything. :|
