Food in late 60's, early 70's
On Apr 12, 1:56*pm, anja > wrote:
> Hi!
> I was hoping somebody might help me?
> We are throwing a party in may, themed over late 60's -early 70's.
> Unfortunatly I'm born to late for this, and i'm responisibile for the
> food...
> The plan is to have a buffet, with both hot and cold food and some
> desserts and assorted snacs,,,,
> (do appologize the bad spelling, I'm originnaly from Norway....)
> Regards
> Anja
May I also suggest stopping by a Goodwill, Salvation Army or other
second hand store and picking up serving dishes in such classic early
1970's colors such as Harvest Gold, Avocado Green (Olive Green) and
reddish orange. There are some classic mixing bowls from that period.
Olive green with white flowers (and vice versa). There were those
black serving platters with inlay patterns, I think they were Danish
or Norwegian in origin. I have small one with a butterfly on it that
was my Mom's from that era. I believe we also had an Owl. As for
food, as others said, fondue for sure. I would go to Goodwill and get
a vintage "chafing dish" (or the cassserole dishes that came with the
little metal rack, with space for a tealight candle under the
casserole dish to keep it warm) and make Swedish Meatballs. I remember
those were very popular for cocktail parties back then. Serve Whisky
sours in tall straight sided glasses, garnished with an orange slice.
(My parents always served whisky sours back then when they had
company). I think the dishes the foods are served in/on will be just
as important to set the mood of the theme as the foods themselves.