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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Have we "lost our capability of outrage?"

On 2009-04-12, modom (palindrome guy) > wrote:

> me like they are only making dollars. They care not for jobs, goods
> or services, except that they can buy them with their dollars.

Oops. I meant "services" when I said "information", with respect to the
economy in the 80-90s. Regardless, my flags went up way back then. Even
the most basic class on economics recognizes the need for manufacturing and
sellable "goods" as the basis of a healthy economy. We began circling the
drain when business gurus and clueless pundits started working to convince
us that "services" is an actual economy base, as if cleaning hotel rooms,
booking vacations, and wrangling emails is a "product". I'm sorry, but
knowing how to compose a mission statement in Word is not an exportable
commodity!! Until we go back to a manufacturing economy, we're doomed to
being a fraud economy and the busisness World, at large, is not as gullible
as the American taxpayer.
