100 Highest-Grossing Restaurants
On Apr 12, 7:05*pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> Ken wrote:
> >> George's at the Cove was an *excellent* restaurant, with exceptional
> >> food, *exceptional service, and a beautiful intimate setting.
> > Is George's the same as the Top of the Cove from many years ago?
> No, but they're almost within spitting distance of each other. Top of the
> Cove is currently being renovated after a change in ownership, but when it
> was open it was also a wonderful place to eat. In that same neighborhood, I
> will also praise the Marine Room, which boasts a lounge with what amounts to
> an aquarium window half-underwater at low tide and fully-underwater at high
> tide.
> Bob
Thanks for the quick reply. I just went to Google and saw that Top of
the Cove has a web site that says it's under new ownership and closed
for remodeling.
The Marine Room sounds like a great place during a storm. Then how
much is under water? This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw:
Mother Nature Bats Last.