On Apr 12, 12:48*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *"modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote:
> > Today was the 6th annual chili cook off here in Cow Hill. *As you may
> > or may not know I've entered before. *
> > I've lost. *
> > I'm a champeen chili loser, in fact. *I made chili with red wine in it
> > only to discover the deep truth that you don't serve red wine to red
> > necks.
> <lol> Even _I_ know better than that. ;-)
> > I made chili with Dos Equis in it only to learn that you don't
> > serve THAT to chili judges either.
> EW! Have you ever tasted that crap? *It tastes like earwax!
> Even Coors is better!
It is not worse than Coors, and is better than Corona. The only
Mexican beer that I's say is actually good is Negra Modelo.
> --
> Peace! Om
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